So today was meeting up with the Musketeers and going to see XMen:
Apocalypse. But first, as is traditional for Memorial Day Weekend, I
raided a couple of Half Price Books for 20% off savings. Got a couple
of 'loaner' copy books to hook friends on favorite authors, a horror
collection of randomness (with a T.E.D. Klein story I've never read),
another book on HPL I didn't have, and a DVD copy of 'Ravenous'. Yay for
snazzy and cheap stuff.
Went to see XMen. It's pretty good, though kind of over long and slow in
spots. My favorite XMan is there, Nightcrawler. They need to give him
a saber and some swashes to buckle though. Psylocke was epicly yummy,
and the big battles were fun to watch. Not the best Marvel flick ever,
but worth watching on the big screen.
Ran some errands after the movie, hung out for a bit and was amused at
cats stalking the wild ice cream back at Chez Amythest's. Came home,
cranked up the AC, and started watching Deadpool, because who doesn't
like Deadpool ? Going to stay up for a while, probably watch some more
superhero flicks. They are one of my favorite non-horror genres.
Tomorrow is knocking my TODO list down to size. So much laundry... But
hermit time will be good. Still trying to think of a good marathon of
movies to watch while doing chores. We'll see. Catch you all later.
Three day weekend. So much yay. Though next week will be kind of crazy
making up for extra day off (down side of a contract position). Weekend
plans are going to see the new X-Men movie tomorrow, and helping with
a certain Amythest organizing a home office. (No, I'm not setting up a
minifridge full of Code Red and a Cthulhu statue...not my idea of a home
office). Sunday and Monday I'm planning on hermiting mostly, and doing
some chores. Mostly down time though. I'm feeling a little kerfrazzled
and I think I need me, my bad movies, my computer horde and my books to
relax. A little stressed about next week's weird hours and pshrink visit.
Given the rough time I've had, I have a feeling we need to tweak my meds.
And that's something I dislike, side effect adjustment sucks. But, I
could be better. And hopefully I will be quickly.
Otherwise things are decent. Been reading a lot which is kind of a given.
History and Cthulhu, it's been a bit of a bonanza the last few weeks with
Mythos stuff. Work stuff is good, will be working my first maintenances
at Carcosa, the above mentioned weird hours to make up for the day off.
Which honestly, I'm looking forward to. I do not like making other people
do work that I can do. Silly contract limitations. Not really much
else for the week. So I guess I'll call this post done. Probably ramble
more tomorrow. Catch you all later.
Good news everyone!
Guess which shoggoth wrangler officially has a six month contract extension ? *waves tentacles in joy*
Good news: Carcosa Corp's office is closed on Memorial day
Bad news: I'm contract, and I don't get holidays off at the moment. Oops.
Say hello to Vulpine working 10 hour days next week after getting an extra sleep in. The tentacle giveth, the tentacle taketh away.
Well Saturday plans changed. Socializing for today was rescheduled,
which ended up being a good thing as I had a low tentacle count this
morning. Nothing bad, just am kind of glad to be home. I still need
to leave the house to go grocery shopping and do pet care, but that will
be towards the evening, with a side of take out on the way home.
Nyogtha is chugging along with backup restores. Like I said yesterday, need
to put the array on eSATA in the near future. I also moved Shoggoth
back to my desk, hooked it up to the spare monitor/keyboard/mouse, and
added an X desktop so it can act as a tertiary system, as well as a
display for monitoring foo. I also finished the reboots, nothing else
broke, yay. The rsync process is kind of eating CPU, so I'm trying to
avoid doing my usual updates on Dagon. Mostly I'm just editing things
and watching movies and trying to think of stuff I need to add to
Nyogtha that I had installed before.
Otherwise I've futzed around the house, done chores, etc. Currently
watching the first 'Final Destination' flick. Not my favorite, but
still worth watching. Not much else of note today. Guess I'll call this a
post. Laters gators.
This has been a week of stuff going every which way. Work was mostly good
but crazy in spots. Very good friend ended up in the hospital for a week.
Communication issues. And when I got home tonight, I rebooted Nyogtha
the media box and it never came back up. Luckily I keep good backups, and
I'd been planning to reinstall to Lubuntu 16.04 from LinuxMint13. Install
went ok, installed some of my usual foo, re setup the drives, and I'm copying
over data from the backup, and watching stuff on VLC. New install seems
to be smooth, it's just going to take forever to copy the content over.
I really need to add that eSATA card for the disk array, since USB2 is
slow as snot. Oh well, yay for well planned backups, and running the backup
script before I rebooted.
Mentally I came up with some foo I should tattoo on my forehead to remember
when the brainweasels start bringing up stuff from my past. Not going
into details here, but since about half my anxiety/sads come from things
in my past, it's good to suddenly realize things like perspective.
(yeah, I'm slow sometimes).
Now it's Friday night, I'm winding down from everything. Socializing most
of the weekend, along with pet care for friends out of town. I don't
think I'll be doing too much more geekery tonight, unexpected system
upgrades are kind of energy consuming. But boy it could be more tiring.
For now though, I'll call this a post and head back to obsessively watching
files copy for a while. Ciao.
The definition of best friend. When you wake up in a weird state of
anxiety, and you really do want to hang out and go see a horror movie
with said friend, but also really don't want to leave the house at the
same time. So once you get the tentacles enough to call, she understands
you're wound up, and yes...we can meet up at movie tive, while I get time
to wind down before going out. Friends get your weirdness, and work with
you on it. I'm also kind of happy that I didn't make it a binary issue,
yes go out, or no hide at home.
As said above, having a high anxiety day. Something twitched off last
night in my sleep. Which is weird, because Friday night I had dreams about
summoning demons (the classical Goetic way of doing things, not Lovecraftian
stuff) in the Amityville Horror House. Now that was amusing. Yesterday
was a good day, hung out with Amythest, watched assorted bad horror flicks,
while I reinstalled Uxía. A good geek day.
I'm calming down as I write this, yay for the magic of medication. The
post office also left my copy of 'The Mammoth Book of Cthulhu' by the
door, so that's good. Watching 'Amityville 3D', tried to watch it at
Amythest's yesterday, and her Roku locked up and rebooted, so we took
that as a sign. Assuming my anxiety levels are down to normal after
the movie, I'll make a quick trip to get meds and gas and packages, then
head down to meet up for the movie. Then it's back to work tomorrow.
So that's me on Sunday. Wish me luck on the rest of today, and for the next
week. *crosses tentacles*
And it's Friday, thank Cthulhu. Been an 'interesting' week. Boss was
in town from Wed-Friday, and that always makes me edgy. Nothing particular
he does or doesn't do, just my track record with managers kind of sucks.
But I got a good lunch out of it, and the manager is pretty easy to get
along with. So that's good.
Besides work, I'm slowly crawling out of the allergen infested swamp that
my life has been for a long while. But as I get past the allergies,
other things start flaking. My brainmeats aren't much better...between
the anniversary of Mom's passing and Mother's Day (even with the
fun of sending out Mother's day cards to people I know), I've been all over
the map. To the point that unless in the next couple of weeks I settle
down, my next pshrink visit will be a discussion of adjusting my meds.
(Which is one of my least favorite things, med side effect adapting sucks).
We'll see, but really this last few weeks have been unhappy brainweasel
territory. And that's not good for me.
On the brighter side, it's Friday. Friday the 13th, which means a marathon
of my favorite camp councilor slaughter. I'm also doing my usual
geekery, currently updating the Ubuntu Desktop VM horde. I had some
mental plans to do some more involved upgrades and moves and stuff, but
I decided I rather be social-ish tomorrow and Sunday. Best friend time
and all, with a possible side of reinstalling Uxía the laptop's OS.
I'm thinking of sticking Xubuntu (XFCE desktop) on it. Not that I use
my laptop much anymore, that whole not on call thing.
Not much else, trying to catch up on the to-read pile before a small
flood of Lovecraftian fiction comes my way. Yay for preorders making
appearances. Yay books with tentacles. On that note, since I've been
staring at this post for a while now, I'll call it done. Catch you all
on the flip side. *waves a tentacle*
Still not back to normal physically. This has been the worst season
for allergies I can remember. Stupid lack of winter this year. I'm also
having spikes of emotional foo. Last night in particular. I went to bed
to read, turned out the lights about midnight and my brain immediately
starting replaying things from my past I rather not think about. Pried
myself out of bed and dove back into reading. Went back to sleep about
1am, and that worked out better. Right now I'm ok. Well besides
Saw 'Black Widow: Civil War' yesterday *wink* Was fun, lots of nifty
fight scenes, a little too much angst in spots. But it met up to the
Haven't done much this weekend otherwise, haven't had a lot of drive. Did
hook up the spare widescreen monitor to Hydra. Which was cool in a
plug+play kind of way, but it's not as useful as I thought. Oh well.
I may decide to move Shoggoth over, and add LXDE to the server and have
it run with a monitor as well. I dunno.
Going to go down to Amythest's in a while and do all the laundries. She's
offered to make her chicken noodle soup for me since I'm feeling puny.
Best friends rock. The work week will probably be a little stressful.
I have a number of things I need to get done, and our boss (who works
out of Kansas City) will be in town for part of the week. Not a bad thing,
but last visit kind of generated a lot of waves. Lets hope this is a good
Not much else. I've got the TV on one of my haunting shows on as
background noise. I'll probably cook some lunch in a bit, then head
on down. Ok. I'm going to call this a post. Catch you all later.
Quick state of the fox post. I was kind of feeling overly anxious
Monday, having a ton of stuff to do at work, and not a lot of motivation.
Today I managed to flip the switch. Got to work, dug out all my security
audit notes and converted them into one file with details and notes
and my ideas for correcting them. My two meetings went pretty smooth.
I also got stuff done for Operation: Survive Mother's Day, aka getting a
bunch of funny cards and sending them out to people. This year I sent out
8, I'm already pondering next year and ramping it up. I think Mom would
appreciate it, and it turned a possible landmine day into something to be
positive about.
Besides work and mail, I had a good weekend with the HPL Film Festival
(livestreamed for those of us who couldn't make it). Mood has been pretty
good. Looking forward to Saturday, and 'Black Widow: Civil War' (lets
be honest, I'm Team Natasha). Lots of books to read and movies to
watch. Life is feeling pretty ok right now. Hope it stays that way.
Going to try to post more often, don't want to let my blogging skills
get rusty. Catch you all later. *Waves a tentacle*