Today is the one year anniversary of my first day of freedom from The
Shoggoth Pit. (my last day was Sept 11th...but I didn't want to write
this yesterday). A lot of things have changed in a year. I found an
old offline journal entry with my wishes for my post pit life. A job
where I'd have bosses who didn't try to stress me out for yucks and giggles,
where work had challenges, but I also had support in meeting said challenges.
And I got that here at Carcosa Corp, in spades. I also got a much nicer
paycheck, and I have coworkers who I can count on to be professional, and
at the same time, can be silly with. The only negative is that it is
contract, so I cannot say that a year from now I'll still be in the same
boat. But it's given me hope that yes, I deserve a job where credit is
given, and I'm worth what I'm paid.
Outside of the work stuff, the last year I've done other stuff. I've finally
made it outside of Texas, and made it back home to NYC for a fun week. I'm
going to Portland in a little under a month for my first Lovecraft festival.
I'm sleeping better, though I am having more anxiety dreams about parents
than I was. I'm social, and my friends are much less worried about me
(sorry gang). I did up my meds this year for depression, but that I felt
like I could try to do something to help sounds like positive stuff to me.
I've also quit caffeine, and cut way down on sugar, and have started to lose
weight. Eating a little healthier. Reading more, generally most everything
is swinging up at least a little.
Still have anxiety and depression issues. I'm still reacting to things
like I'm back at the Shoggoth Pit, meetings make me anxious, new projects
cause worries, etc. But I'm catching myself when I start that, and it's
lessening. Day by day, bit by bit, I'm getting better.
So that's the state of the Vulpine, anniversary edition. Hopefully things
keep swinging up through the next year, and that this time in 2017 I'm no
longer thinking about the past or being bothered by it.
And now we talk about computer foo. last night and today has been more
geekery than I've done in a while. Dagon's
new monitor is much of the
shiny. I've switched to using multiple virtual desktops, scattering
various apps that I can reach with with key combos. Here are the desktops and what they're used for.
Primus: Web browser and terminal windows, with Alpine (mail), CenterIM5
(IM client), one terminal with a screen session linked to every VM and
physical box here at Château Innsmouth, and one for text editing (like this
Secondus: Five larger terminal windows in a pattern. Good for sysadmin
or coding or stuff. Larger = less eye strain.
Teritus: VirtualBox and VMs. This is the problem child, as I start
working on a desktop VM, and forget about it with flipping back and forth.
Quartus: Misc stuff.
As I said, it's easy to lose stuff in this setup, but I'm thinking I'll get
used to it over time. The new video card in Dagon can support 2 of the
big monitors, and I can double up on those cards, so I could upgrade to a
3 monitor rig in the future. Also, Hydra has DP ports as well, so I could
split it, 2 on Dagon, 1 on Hydra. Doubt I'll do that anytime soon though,
both for cost and the fact the Desk of Doom (tm) isn't sturdy or large
enough. So, in the future. Maybe after I pay off the trip to Portland.
Besides getting things updated and rebooted all the systems. Tried to upgrade
Dagon to the latest stable kernel, but no dice, I couldn't make the new
monitor play nice, and after 3 or 4 reboots and driver swaps I gave up for
now. Hydra and Nyogtha came up fine after general maintenance and reboots,
so did the VMs. I then turned my attention to my mini server Shoggoth, which
has been offline for a week or so. On advice from my IT guy (yes I have
a friend that does most of my hardware foo. I can do it soso, or he can
do it right, and he's worth every cent. If you're in DFW, and need a geek,
let me know) I popped out the drive, tried to see if it would get past the
weird lock. It did. So I put the drive back in, and it booted fine. So
I updated it, rebooted, came up fine. So, thinking the SSHD drive in Shoggoth
might be flaking, I enabled SMARTD to monitor the drive. So we'll see
if it was a fluke or a drive giving up the ghost.
Now I'm updating the assorted desktop VMs, and fiddling around with other
stuff. Been a productive day geekwise. But soon it will be time to wind
down and head to bed.