Oh elder gods and little fishies, this week has been crazy. All work
foo. One, my fellow admin at Carcosa Corp was traveling for business,
so 4 of the 5 days I was the lone admin. And it's patch week. And I had
a large chunk of a project scheduled to go into production as of last night,
with a process that i wasn't 100% comfortable with. Plus the usual daily
foo. It's been rough. I haven't been sleeping solid, and I'm dragging
But work was pretty calm for normal sysadmin foo, my usual having to herd
cats to get things scheduled for patching. And last night's big change
went well. While it involved things I don't know well, databases and
applications that run under Java, along with Microsoft Active Directory
for the trifecta of eww, I made it all work, and I got things working faster
than I estimated. So all would have been well if I'd gotten a full night's
sleep. So of course I didn't. *eyeroll* At least I'm more comfortable
with the whole process, now to just work out the 3rd magic step that has
baffled the software vendor's support. Which I just had a small lightbulb
moment about. Excuse me while I email myself.
*time passes*
Ok, note to future me sent. Will argue with it later this weekend, or
Monday AM. Yay aha moments.
And with that, I think I'll end this post. Probably will be heading to bed
and book early tonight. Hopefully I can get some real rest over the
weekend. Night all.