Been a crazy week. Anxiety dreams to start, work quirkiness in the middle,
and a DevOps conference at the end of the week. The DevOps thing was...
odd. Not my technical ball of wax, and it wasn't aimed at the newbie.
I did learn some stuff, and got random inspiration for other work stuff.
Too bad the airflow sucked, and I spent most of the two days sweating
like a pig. Oh well.
The weekend has been good. First, I have Labor Day off, yay three day
weekends. Friday night I didn't do much besides try to cool off, then
sleep. Yesterday I did some chores, and hung out with Amythest and Nymaz.
Due to various job foos, we haven't hung out in a long while. Watched
'Deadpool 2' (which I didn't see in theaters) and 'Infinity War' (which I
did.) Was fun, we ate pizza, laughed, chatted. And I got to pet cats.
Sadly, my allergies kicked up hard...luckily I had benedryl.
Today would have been Mom's 86th birthday. So I planned today to be pretty
busy. I got up fairly early, got my ducks in a row. I originally meant to
go out to a place me and Mom went to for breakfast, but honestly I wasn't
really in the mood. So I got to-go breakfast, and headed out. Hit a
total of 4 bookstores, Recycled Books up in Denton, and 3 Half Price Bookses...
Booksi? How ever you pluralize a plural. Got a nice variety of weird
fiction and esoterica. Drove while listening to DART radio plays, and plotted
some other stuff out while driving. Came home, by way of lunch at Jason's
Deli, and took a long shower to de-sweat, and have been futzing around
online and listening to audiobooks.
Tomorrow I'm going to try to take care of the remaining chores, as well
as engage in more hermiting. Then it's back to work, but hopefully it will
be a productive week, I have plots and plans. For now, I'm listening to
a audiobook about H.H. Holmes and the Chicago World's Fair. Amazing how
bonkers Chicago in the Gilded Age was.
And I've been staring at this post for an hour, so I'll call it done.
*waves tentacles*