Going to start this off with the news. Unless my blood work comes back
with something really oddball, I'm officially a diabetic. Over the last
month or so I've been feeling I number of classic symptoms, thirst,
unexpected weight loss without changing things, increased appetite, etc.
So I went to the doc in the box today, and after some fun and games with
getting my blood drawn, the blood stick says I have high blood sugar. Way
high. So, the plan for now is to treat with meds, adjust my diet and activity
levels, monitor my sugar levels for a month, then see where I am.
In real life terms what does this mean? Well cutting out my Code Red
addiction, plus pretty much any other soft drinks. (I hate the taste of
artificial sweeteners in soda, so diet is probably not going to be an option).
Also, I need to shift my general diet over. Given I live on a pasta, this
also will be tricky as heck. I'll also need to start exercising. Which
should also be a bit of a trick. Oh well, I've needed to make a change,
and this should be good inspiration.
So, that's what's new here in Vulpine land. Wish me luck and willpower,
I'm going to need it.