Quick post. Last Thursday (a week ago), my eyes started acting up. Vision
got kind of fuzzy, over the next few days my eyes changed enough that my
glasses are unwearable. My distance vision is lousy, mid range is fuzzy
but workable, and from arm's length and closer I'm alright. What's going
on ? No idea. It could be the change in blood sugars from high to less
high triggered a change in eyeball/lens shape. It happens, per some diabetic
friends and some major googling. If that's it, my eyes should self correct.
If not, well it could be a number of other things. Thus I have an
ophthalmologist appointment on Monday to give my eyes a complete look over.
They'll be able to tell if I have other eye problem, or if my eyes have just
changed and I need a new 'script. We'll see Monday.
What does this mean? I haven't left the house since Sunday. I can drive,
but that's a bad idea IMHO. I took Monday off from Carcosa Corp, but after
that I rearranged my desktop setup at home so my computer screens are close
enough to limit the eyestrain. I haven't been getting a lot done, but it's
been a week of meetings, which doesn't require me to geek much. I can read,
thank Cthulhu, otherwise I'd have gone nuts already. I'm listening to a lot
of pdocasts and audiobooks when I'm doing other things. So I'm not crazy, but
I'm definitely antsy as hell.
So, hopefully the docs can figure out a fix, and life returns to normal. My
plans for this weekend are just about non-existent. I'm probably going
to stick around home, read, etc. I'll be stircrazy, but not much I can do
about that either way. I can at least futz around the house doing chores
and stuff. And we'll see how things go after that.