Wedneday of the try harder

Got up this morning early, after going to bed way early last night due to yesterday's vapor lock. Got up, got the usual done. Didn't really get motivated on anything til a friend of mine messaged me about a contract position at where he works was opening up. Since said friend really enjoys his job, I decided to take this as a sign to get my ass in gear...

So I promptly had an anxiety attack. Blah. Took my xanax, flaked a bit, then put on my big cultist robes and started just poking around, rereading friends' resumes, looking for examples, and bit by bit I got it done. Note to self, Holst's 'Mars, Bringer of War' is good resume inspiration. Bit by bit, I got it done, and LinkedIn updated. I just emailed it off to some friends for eyeballs. Glaaahhhh. *thud*

So, yeah...I'm hoping this will work out. I'd prefer a perm position, but both me and my friend think that if I can get my foot in the door, they'll love me and keep me forever. And even if they don't, it's a job, it's income and I can still jobhunt while contracting. So we'll see. If nothing else, this was the kick in the ass I needed to get things moving along. *deep breaths*

So, to wind down, I'm reinstalling some VMs. Yeah, I calm myself in the weirdest ways. I also have an Asylum disaster flick playing, 'Asteroid vs Earth'. Once the movie is done, I'll go off to do my day's walking, come home, make dinner and see what happens tonight. So, any long term good thoughts you have, I could use them. Ok, catch you guys later.

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