Was a mostly good day, though it started off kind of rough. I had good
dreams, mostly about New York, and how I was planning to drive back to
Texas. But I wanted to take the Staten Island ferry, and they do take
cars, so I had to rearrange plans. Then I woke up. Thing is, I really
do want to take the ferry next time I'm in NYC. It's free, and I've never
done it. The tour guide on the cruise recommended it as one of those
things people don't think to do, plus I've only been to Staten Island
a handful of times in my life.
So I woke up, and felt off. Was going to meet up with Amythest and Nymaz
for soup day prep in a while. So I fiddled around online, and kept
reading things that hit me in the feels. No idea why, just overly
emotional. Decided to just go on down, listened to a Roman mystery
audiobook on the drive and hung out at Chez Amythest's while the other
two finished up soup prep shopping. Hung out, read more of 'Gods of HP
Lovecraft' which is pretty good, some of the authors are people I talk
to online, so I'm a little biased. Helped unload, helped set up the
loaner mega-tv for the watching of Star Wars. We had about 90 min to
kill or so, and I wanted to test the tv...and I had 'Dagon' on my flash
drive, so we watched it. My friends tolerate my weirdness, I now have
a degree of TV envy. Plus, Uxía the squidgirl is epically hot on megatv.
*grin* Soup was prepped, and as I hadn't eaten since breakfast I
dove in a little early, and had a lovely bowl of potato soup.
Some more friends showed up, and some spawning day gifts for the Dec
people were given, along with some cookies to H, who has helped me tons
with resume foo. Then it was soup and Star Wars. Which looked amazing
on the megatv. Since we all could basically quote the movies by heart, we
spent as much time in discussion about the movies and back story and
expanded universe as watching it. I love good geek talk. We got through
Episode IV and most of V, but we all were running low on steam. I left
about 10:30, with lots of leftover soup for nomming. Drove home, listened
to more SPQR. Unloaded the car, watched the last part of Empire Strikes
Back, and started writing this. I'm tired, but I'm not sure I'm
ready for bed, or even bed and book. I guess I'll just fiddle around til
I either decide on something to do, or go finish my book. For now, I'm
just glad I had a good afternoon/evening with nifty people, too much soup,
and Star Wars. Night all.