Well it's Monday. Sunday was a day of quiet, I didn't feel like leaving
Château Innsmouth, and I barely left bed. Books and naps, yay naps.
Down side, I slept like crap. Decided to push the doc-in-a-box visit
back...woke up and had a snack, then remembered I was supposed to be
fasting. Doh. Oh well, I'll go tomorrow. And I'll write myself a note
to not snack at 5am.
Today is starting the great Château Innsmouth clean up. Already swept
the kitchen and put out some trash. I also have 'The Beast' miniseries
playing on TV. Yay giant squids vs Grissom from CSI. The plan for today
is mostly low hanging fruit, sweeping and picking up clutter.
Not much else. Going to take it as it comes. Probably going to avoid
leaving the house today. Hermiting while cleaning...with attack squids
on the TV. Sounds good to me. Catch you all later.