Thank Cthulhu it's Friday. The annual Deathcold/Allergy fest kicked in
last weekend, but I managed to avoid calling in. The allergies have mostly
passed, but I'm now in the middle of the coughing fest that comes along.
Not fun. But I've felt much worse in years past.
Carcosa is pretty decent. Was given root access to all the linux instances
yesterday, which makes my life easier. Mostly have been dealing with
Windows foo still. Somewhere the linux gods are laughing. Did try to get
some Nagios foo done today and made a series of oopses that were bloody
annoying. I am rather out of practice with Nagios, something I should
correct in short order. Also had multiple meetings that were...multiple.
Oh well, that's the life of Corporate Cultists.
Came home after work, was originally going to get take out. But after
today I really just wanted to come home, and I had plenty of food here.
So home I came, got into comfy clothes and cooked up a pot of mac and
cheese. Queued up the 'Re-animator' trilogy and I'm vegging here at
Château Innsmouth. I was going to do a set of assorted chores, including
catching up on the laundry...but I think I'll just be here at the
Desk of Doom (tm), and watching movies. Oh yeah, and catching up with
the internets that I've missed while working.
I'm doing ok, a little blue, seems I'm losing touch with an old friend, and
it makes me sad. Oh well. At least I get to see my besties tomorrow,
and watch 'Sharkando 3' and 'Deadpool'. And I have a metric shoggoth
load of books, and cheesy horror movies...and oh crap, I never turned on
the external disk array on Dagon. Bugger. *scrambles to fix and start the
rsync process*. I really, REALLY need to make these things fail with a
notification *facetentacle* Oh well, better to catch it now, before
horrible things happened. Guess I'll call this a post, and get back to
watching backups run, and Dr West reanimate things randomly. Ciao.