So today was meeting up with the Musketeers and going to see XMen:
Apocalypse. But first, as is traditional for Memorial Day Weekend, I
raided a couple of Half Price Books for 20% off savings. Got a couple
of 'loaner' copy books to hook friends on favorite authors, a horror
collection of randomness (with a T.E.D. Klein story I've never read),
another book on HPL I didn't have, and a DVD copy of 'Ravenous'. Yay for
snazzy and cheap stuff.
Went to see XMen. It's pretty good, though kind of over long and slow in
spots. My favorite XMan is there, Nightcrawler. They need to give him
a saber and some swashes to buckle though. Psylocke was epicly yummy,
and the big battles were fun to watch. Not the best Marvel flick ever,
but worth watching on the big screen.
Ran some errands after the movie, hung out for a bit and was amused at
cats stalking the wild ice cream back at Chez Amythest's. Came home,
cranked up the AC, and started watching Deadpool, because who doesn't
like Deadpool ? Going to stay up for a while, probably watch some more
superhero flicks. They are one of my favorite non-horror genres.
Tomorrow is knocking my TODO list down to size. So much laundry... But
hermit time will be good. Still trying to think of a good marathon of
movies to watch while doing chores. We'll see. Catch you all later.