Took today off, I had major issues getting out of bed Wednesday, and I had
a ton of social activity planned for the weekend. Plus I had errands
that I needed to get done during daylight hours. Boss was cool about it,
so were my fellow Carcosa geeks. Came home last night, did general
pick up around the apartment, watched some cheesy movies and in general
relaxed. Yay for pseudo Fridays.
Slept in today, went to my old bank and closed out the accounts. Yay
finally getting the great bank swap of 2016 done. Went to the store to
fill in a few gaps, and came home. By the time I got home around 10:30
it was already melting fox temperatures. I put in a request for my
complex to take a look at a water leak in my bathroom ceiling. Hung
around Château Innsmouth all day waiting on maintenance. (I hate strange
people in my apartment). Finally gave up a little while ago. Maybe
they will show up early tomorrow. *eyeroll*
Watched some more bad horror movies, then switched gears and put on
'Wanted: Dead or Alive'. 80's action flick starring one of my favorite
actors, Rutger Hauer. Probably going to watch another Hauer flick,
'Nighthawks' afterwards. Been doing my usual day off geekery. Just
ordered Chinese food for dinner. Nom nom nom.
Fox is doing ok. Still getting used to not having caffeine daily. *looks
back* Oh, I never noted that here. I'm cutting out caffeine (aka Code Red)
and cutting way back on soda and sugar. Which will be good for my health,
but ye gods and little fishies it's been hard. Especially in the AM. But,
it will get better. That whole getting healthy thing, and living til
Cthulhu rises and stuff. And a lack of caffeine should lead to less
anxiety, or so I'm told.
Well that's about it for my day off. Tomorrow is fun with friends,
and Sunday is hanging out with Amythest and stuff. Good way to
spend a weekend. Will catch you all later. *waves a tentacle*