State of the Fox: Additional
I forgot, I gave up caffeine, and I'm finally starting to not feel like utter
crap. I've known for a while that my Code Red habit wasn't good for my
health, but I didn't have the willpower or immediate reasons to quit.
Then a number of messages from the multiverse came in, and I decided I
needed to quit before I had big reasons to. Plus, caffeine + anxiety is
not a good mix. Along with that, I've cut majorly down on sugar. It's
been kind of rough. Last time I quit caffeine, I was in the hospital with
Stan, and well, amazing what painkilers can do. It's been a week and change
since I stopped all together, and about 3 since I started tapering down.
I do miss it, especially getting up in the AM (and Friday night movies fests)
but I think the physical foo is over. I've been drinking lots of water,
which is better for me both physically and on the budget. So that's the
addendum, I'm actually trying to be healthier. Go Me!