More motivated Tuesday
Well Tuesday is more motivated than Monday was. Had a weird night, I read
for a long while, and had issues getting to sleep. I had some kind of
anxiety dreams, and didn't want to get out of bed this morning. Finally
did get moving about noon, and I made myself go walking. Walked for a little
under an hour, hit goal and then some. Yay me! Came home, got a shower
and some lunch, and now I'm vegging out.
Watching 'Prometheus', aka 'Science: You're doing it wrong'. Like I said
yesterday, been in a Xenomorph mood. Not sure what else I'll be doing today.
Chores are caught up for the most part. Maybe I'll mess with some
geek stuff, or dig into a book, or just watch cheesy movies. It's vacation
time still, and I should be vacationing.
So yeah, better mood and such than yesterday. Book time was good last night,
finished the latest 'Delta Green' collection, the latest William Meikle
novella, and a short story collection I got from Kindle Unlimited. Yay
epic tentacles. Probably going to dig into my book on Roman cults next,
I'm behind on my dead tree reading. On that note, I'm going to call this
a post. Catch you all later cultists.