Wednesday Stuff and things

Continued to be motivated, well sorta. Got up from some weird dreams, including one where I was transgendered in some form or fashion. Specifically according to some test my parents had done, I was female, and thus I was to be referred to with all female pronouns, while ignoring the beard, other secondary sexual signs, and other such things. Very odd, not going to claim a dream gives me special insight or other malarkey, I'll just say to anyone I've gotten gender crossed with, or used the wrong word, I am sorry, I'll do my best to not doing again. There were other dreams about going to school at Misaktonic U, and other Mythosy bits, but they didn't stick as well. Got up, got moving, went walking. Got caught up, though my feet are unhappy now. Came home, made lunch, probably will throw myself into the shower now that my stomach isn't make angry noises. Plans for the day, I have to migrate a website, and update it's code. It should be pretty simple to do, just will take some time, some googling, and actually doing it. Also need to stop by the pharmacy to get my blood pressure meds. Fun fun fun. I'm also probably going to have another navel gazing post later today. There's stuff in my noggin, and I probably should let it out. Nothing horrible, just how I am in week 2 of down time. That's about it for right now. Catch you all later, have a good hump day.

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