Another week has passed. I'm finally done with my first two series of allergy
shots. Next round is 12 shots in 3 months, so min of 1 shot a week. I'm
going to probably do 2 a week, so I'll be on the next round in October,
and hopefully at maintenance level by the first of the year. Which I hope
will help settle down the pollen horde.
Been getting lots of pictures and reports from NecronomiCon. Still regretting
not going, even if it was the reasonable thing. It looks like people are
having a lot of fun, and there's lots of cool things. Also, my internet
pal Joe Pulver (who also had to skip the con due to health issues) won the
Robert Bloch award. I'll freely admit to happy dancing when I read it.
Tonight I've been doing a marathon of Dark Adventure Radio Theatre, since
I didn't get to see them do it live this year. Got to get my weird fix
after all.
I haven't been doing much of anything with computers lately, well on my
own time that is. I have to replace a drive on Hydra, and I want to move
some systems around, but I'm generally lacking in motivation. I used to
live for geek projects, but I guess it's lost some of it's sparkle after almost
20 years of geek projects. Maybe it will change, who knows?
And I utterly lost my train of thought. Guess I'll call this a post. Night